The provisional Category/Community-wise lists of candidates who have qualified in the Engineering Rank list 2011 is published. This list indicates the candidate's position in the respective category or community. The position of a candidate in the list is purely provisional.The category list has been prepared on the basis of the Engineering rank list 2011 and as per the claim admitted to the candidates based on documents submitted along with the application form.The Category lists will be available for reference in the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and on the website from 26.07.2011.
Important: Candidates are advised to verify the category li
sts and satisfy themselves regarding their position in the list such as inclusion under different categories, eligibility for Communal/Special reservation etc. Complaints, if any,may be preferred to the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations on or before 03.08.2011.
sts and satisfy themselves regarding their position in the list such as inclusion under different categories, eligibility for Communal/Special reservation etc. Complaints, if any,may be preferred to the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations on or before 03.08.2011.
The category list published is subject to the result of the orders of the
Hon'ble High Court in writ petitions filed in connection with the preparation of
Engineering rank list 2011. to cee the catogery list click here