The activities related to the second phase of allotment to Professional Degree Courses for the year 2011-12 will commence on 05.08.2011 (Friday). This will be the second allotment to Government Medical Colleges in the State and first allotment to other courses. Candidates included under various rank lists can register their options on the website from 05.08.2011 till 5 pm on 12.08.2011.Candidates who do not register their options will not be considered for allotment under any circumstances. The “Option Facilitation Centres” [OFC] and “Help Desks” [HD], having internet facility, will be functioning throughout the State during this period for registration of options by the candidates. The details of such centers are available on the website, to apply online click here
Point to remember
1-Those candidates who are eligible for admission to Medical/Engineering/Architecture courses will be able to file options in this phase.
2-Candidates can file options till 5pm on 12/08/2011.
3-Please read the Notification before filing options. Candidates are directed not to file unnecessary options. Lapsing of Govt. seats by filing unnecessary options will invite penalties.
4-The allotment in this phase will be published on 16/08/2011.
5-Those candidates who receive allotment shall remit the Tuition Fee / Deposit in selected branches of State Bank of Travancore from 17-19 August 2011.
6-Those who do not remit fee in the specified time will loose their existing allotment as well as all higher options.
7-Candidates receiving allotment for MBBS/BDS courses shall join the colleges on 18th or 19th August 2011.
8-The allotment to Engineering Courses will be subject to the result of the cases pending before the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala.
In case of loss of Password, you may come in person with proof of identity to the nearest OFC or the Office of the CEE, Trivandrum for resetting the Password.